Excise Tax

DirectTrace works with governments to support modern, best practice excise tax programmes that are simple to administer, reduce illicit trade and increase revenue collection. DirectTrace’s flexible software suite is customisable to the needs of various programmes around the globe covering excise tax markings, tax reporting and collection, track & trace, product identification and mobile authentication. This suite of tools combined with powerful reporting brings industry leading benefits to excise tax programmes.

Combating Illicit Trade and Tax Evasion

Secure UIDs, product serialisation and mobile authentication make it difficult for illicit goods to enter the market undetected. Real time reporting and data analysis detect illicit trade immediately, increasing overall compliance of programmes.

Protecting Public Health and Safety

Track and trace software, combined with smartphone product authentication, allows distributors, retailers and end consumers to immediately verify the authenticity and compliance of products.

Enhancing Tax Collection Efficiency

DirectTrace’s suite of self service features reduce administrative overhead, and empower manufacturers to manage their own tax payments. This allows governments to simultaneously reduce costs, increase compliance and increase revenue.

Key features

Automated collection of excise amounts due

Self service tools for manufacturers and importers

Secure third party software to prevent tampering

Full reporting for programme insights

Market leading technology for governments

DirectTrace works with governments to implement flexible, industry leading solutions that improve outcomes for governments, manufacturers and consumers. Speak to us today to understand how we can support you to implement best practice excise tax programmes.