Direct to Product Markings
Direct to Product marking uniquely identifies and authenticates products by directly printing UIDs with quantum secured ink. Direct to Product is especially valuable in environments where traditional labels and stamps are impractical – bottling lines, breweries, food manufacture and industrial parts. Direct Trace supports governments, manufacturers and brands to move towards Direct to Product markings to support their Track & Trace and excise tax programmes.
Quantum Secure Markings
Quantum secured product markings cannot be cloned, coped or counterfeited. Product markings are permanent, tamper resistant, waterproof and robust. Direct Trace software integrates with all common manufacturing equipment for high speed application in tough environments like bottling lines.
Digital Verification and Consumer Engagement
2D barcodes and quantum secured inks can be verified and tracked on all smartphones. This market leading innovation allows manufacturers, distributors, retails and consumers to actively engage with products like never before.
Secure & Automated Excise Tax Collection
Our independent software securely collates all production information for simple and accurate excise tax reporting. Self service features take the burden of administration away from excise tax programmes.

Key features
Quantum secured UID & 2D barcode generation
Integration with high speed print lines
Product registration and traceability data
Smartphone authentication
How it works

Customised deployment
The platform is customised for your specific needs. Deployment includes training and consultancy if required.

Generate UIDs
Generate and manage quantum secure product identifiers, using labels, UIDs, or Direct to Product markings.

Associate product data for traceability
Product data is associated (automatically or manually) in the system to allow traceability down to the individual product level.

Smartphone tracking
Track products through your supply chain and authenticate with quantum secured markings, all verified on a smartphone.

Data & Analytics
Analyse data and generate actionable intelligence for strategic decision-making.